Psychiatrization. Not funny.

German Version  This contribution as PDF file

This text I published in my blog initially on the 14th of June 2018.

The monstrous events in the DVNLP, which as a consequence of a not heard complaint about sexual and power abuses in the association and a perpetrator-victim-reversion process directed against the complainant in the course of their repective suppression and cover-up, have led to a criminal exclusion and defamatory pathologization and psychiatrization of her and, as her supporter, also of me. I describe in NLP for Criminals – „Causa DVNLP“: Mafia, Stasi and Nazi methods in German NLP2.

The perfidious psychiatrization attack of the DVNLP against the complainant and myself had serious emotional and economic consequences for both of us – whereby those for the complainant and her children who, according to the complaints suppressed in the DVNLP, also have been harmed by sexual and power abuses in the area of responsibility of the DVNLP, are of course more serious than the consequences for me – who as DVNLP founding board member and honorary member tried to help the complainant who was robbed of her membership and human rights in the association.

The consequences for my person are primarily of an economic nature, since I could no longer issue the DVNLP certificate to my seminar participants, which I had played a decisive role in developing over the decades and which has now become the standard in Germany, due to the exclusion of my person (exclusion from the general meeting in violation of the statutes) and the sanctions within the association (withdrawal of the trainer license). In addition, several colleagues no longer invited me – as a „not more“ DVNLP teaching trainer and „persona non grata“ in the professional environment (see below) – as a guest lecturer in their DVNLP certified seminar programs. Together with the necessary court and legal fees, the resulting loss of earnings quickly amounted to a loss of half a million – a direct consequence of the fact that my long-standing colleague Martina Schmidt-Tanger, who was entangled in debt with the complainant, together with the „Dr. jur. Jens Tomas“ board of directors and other DVNLP functionaries I have named, manipulated and deceived3 the general assembly.

However, this article is not intended to deal with the terrible consequences for the complainant and her children, nor with the disastrous economic consequences for me, but rather with the consequences of the stigmatization, criminalization, psychopathologization and psychiatrization of her person by the DVNLP, an association which, with the help of its mafia-like lawyers, cooperated4 in an evil way with the paedocriminal perpetrator system from which the complainant had escaped as a key witness. These consequences hit her, and also me as her supporter to this day, with great force.

How the psychopathologization of my person in connection with my exclusion from the DVNLP and my consequent status as „persona non grata“ has affected my professional environment, and continues to do so today, is described below.

Re-blaming and perpetrator-victim-reversion in the Meta-Forum

In 2104, the founder of the Meta-Forum in Abano/Venice, Bernd Isert, had obviously fallen for the lies of Martina Schmidt-Tanger, who had criminally pathologized the complainant and me in the DVNLP – and also for those of her accomplice, DVNLP board member Sebastian Mauritz, who is, together with her and his (acting contrary to the articles of association and criminally) colleagues in the Dr. jur. Jens Tomas board, responsible5 for many of the misconduct and crimes in the DVNLP.

Among the DVNLP perpetrators lying to Bernd Isert were two other DVNLP members who had been active in the Meta-Forum and who had been denounced by the complainant for pimping and sexual violence, and for whom it must have been right that Bernd uninvited me as a trainer from the Meta-Forum in Abano – which means that in 2013

my collaboration in the Meta-Forum, established since 1997, has suddenly been history.

Bernd6 wrote to me at the time: „The main problem is credibility, and it is statement from … [complainant] and you against the statement of many… But if this is not clarified, for many, too many, you are an unjustified aggressor blinded by his wife. – The question is whether this is true: ‚A group of people, some of whom individually and some of whom together have committed violent acts against … [complainant] the complainant‘. If not, it’s bad, if yes, it’s worse.“ – And how likely is that, and in the eyes of others as well…? And what is really testable. I can’t and, forgive me, I think it’s likely it’s not. And I can be wrong. :) Bernd“

Bernd Isert and I knew each other since 1982. He died in January 2017. He did not believe me, but the DVNLP perpetrators, the current mafia honorary members of this association, Martina Schmidt-Tanger, Dr. jur. Jens Tomas and Cora Besser-Siegmund, as well as the other „Causa DVNLP“ perpetrators appearing in the Meta-Forum.

Unfortunately, Bernd did not notice the decisions of the Hamburg Regional Court of February and March 20177 – nor the evidence I presented for the perpetrator-victim-reversion in the DVNLP and in the authorities Social Psychiatric Service, LKA and Public Prosecutor’s Office synchronized by the Executive Board.8

2. Typewriter and Ambulance Car

Before I entered into a man-woman relationship with her, Cora Besser-Siegmund, Martina Schmidt-Tanger and Anita von Hertel had obviously already had intensive and certain private encounters with the complainant. According to her reports, which had been suppressed in the DVNLP, the latter had used all her seductive abilities and her lifelong trained flexibility in order to recruit these three most successful Thies-Stahl students for her group work and coaching training institute and to integrate them into her group of companies, whereby the three NLP professionals had obviously got entangled with her in selfish to hedonistically abusive ways in unclean, role-mixed conflicts. Since I advocated for the complainants membership and human rights my three successful female students no longer mention me on their websites as their former trainer and their trainer colleague.

In an amusing way, I was no longer mentioned by Cora Besser-Siegmund. She wrote in an article in „Praxis Kommunikation“ (5/2016) about her NLP beginning times, she would have „registered for the second Hamburg Practitioner Training [without mentioning the name of the trainer]. She did not mention that it was MY 1986/87 practitioner and also that she had been a participant in one of my student Gestalt Therapy, Family Therapy and NLP groups since 1979 and at that time she experienced first hand my change from Gestalt and Family Therapy to NLP – which was exciting for all of us, when I flew to the USA every year from 1980 onwards to learn new hypnosis and NLP contents. As a participant in my student Gestalt groups, she has intensively experienced this change. But at least Cora did not hide the name of her typewriter from the readers of „Praxis Kommunikation“ with which she, as a student job in 1980, typed my handwritten translation of Bandler/Grinder’s „Frogs into Princes“9:“Gabriele.“

In a newsletter seminar announcement on 06.03.2017 for an NLP colleague from the early days of NLP in Germany, Cora Besser-Siegmund writes, „Prof. Barbara Schott brought NLP to Germany by organizing the very first NLP practitioner in Germany“. Cora has obviously erased the fact that she was practically in the middle of it when I brought NLP to Germany since 1980 – although she surely still knows that I selled my Mercedes ambulance car

(here in the picture; newly painted) to her and her now husband Harry because I needed money for my then quite expensive USA NLP seminar trips – from which I always came back with new NLP and hypnosis techniques that were exciting for me and certainly for her and my other group members. The first German NLP seminars I held in 1980 and the first German NLP training group I led in 1983 in Würzburg.

I wrote a mail to Barbara Schott and the next day Cora sent a corrective newsletter: she „had made a mistake in terms of a historical inaccuracy on the topic of NLP introduction in Germany“ and correctly would ge, „Barbara Schott has, among others, organized the first NLP seminars in Germany“. Cora, Cora…

3. He, whose name shall not be mentioned

Since Cora, like Martina Schmidt-Tanger and Anita von Hertel, also acted as her coach or trainer before I entered into a relationship with with the complainant, got entangled in very personal conflicts with her as a client and trainee, it was understandable that she, like Martina and Anita, wanted me, as her helper, to vanish from the scene.

An interview with DVNLP members Nandana and Karl Nielsen10 can be found on YouTube. Karl speaks in this interview (from about minute 40: 08) about how, according to his impression, NLP has developed from (with a „Tchakka“ sound) being „the biggest, strongest, best“ to „yes, you can use it for therapy“ to „you can also use it for spirituality“ and that he is happy about the openness of Egyptian colleagues for the spiritual dimension of NLP and about their deeply rooted „life connection“, which we in Europe would probably only know from the older generation.

Nandana makes a short attempt to interrupt him in minute 41:17 and then finally says (42:36) that she had a completely different experience in the early 80s in her own NLP training (just with me, the non-named). She then, against the background of Karl’s remarks, gives me a nice compliment when she spoke about her practitioner training with me in the early eighties: This was „no ‚Tchakka-Tchakka‘- or ‚anything is possible‘-NLP“, but she had „learned something about ethics“ and about, „if you use it to manipulate others, it falls back on you… … [non-verbally exaggerating:] You will be punished, so to speak. “

Uttering the last four words Nandana must have thought of Thomas Mann’s „Mario and the Sorcerer“ („Mario und der Zauberer“), which I liked to mention in the hypnosis part of my NLP training, in order to point out the danger of quickly becoming a victim oneself if one manipulates people with the help of hypnosis (and also NLP).

Unfortunately, the viewer in this video doesn’t get to know who Nandana is talking about: She and Karl have, nonverbally well recognizable, put some energy into avoiding mentioning my name. The interviewer has obviously also refrained from asking who Nandana’s former instructor was, whom she so recognizably honors and whom she obviously doesn’t want Karl to allocat him to the first level of the initial NLP, which he has just devalued in general.

After I stumbled across this YouTube video by chance on the internet, I sent them a mail on 13.05.2018: “Hello, Nandana, hello, Karl, I just looked at your video. In the 43rd minute, Nandana, I was happy to have recognized myself, but was horrified how all three of you worked together on the fact that my name was not mentioned – amazing, the interviewer didn’t ask either. Do you both still do this in such a way that you hide me and keep quiet about me? And, at the same time and quasi anonymously, honour me? Best wishes, Thies“

Nandana answered the next day: „Hello Thies, I am irritated. Karl’s first answer to my remarks (about 43:25) starts with your name and then we continue talking about you. Listen again – with a sensitive auditory channel ; ) [this an eye twinge suggesting “ ; ) „ in the text should probably mean that I should not feel offended by the fact that she just pathologizes me as someone who somehow has something „wrong with hies ears“] Your last sentence leaves me completely perplexed. In my map there is no experience for this. Best wishes, Nandana“

The end of this short exchange of e-mails was my unanswered question on the same day: „Nandana, are we talking about this clip11, or was there another version of the video? „ I then wrote that Karl might have been thinking „Stahl“ when he said (43:17) „… [You have] learned NLP from someone who was … [somewhat unusually emphasized so that it sounded a bit like >Stahll<:] >strongly< [in German: stark] influenced by Virginia Satir [minute 3:43 in this part of the clip] and who came from a very intense, highly therapeutic context… This training that this man you are talking about… this training that this man had in the background that you are talking about, yes, where you learned, that is not the standard background of people who normally later, after him did NLP[literally transcribed up to this aborted sentence]…“

I point out in this mail to Nandana that if Karl would have said „Stahl“ or „Thies Stahl“, he would not have had to speak so circumstantially of „the man you are talking about… yes, where you learned…“, so to speak of „the one whose name shall not be mentioned here“. At the end, I ask her: „How would you transcribe this sequence, and where does Karl start my name?“

Nandana didn’t answer. Perhaps it was only after this mail that she noticed that before, not exactly with a „sensitive auditory channel“, but rather „auditory hallucinating“, she „heard“ Karl say my name – perhaps because she would have liked to be able to pronounce it easily and without the pressure of taboo.

This video was released on April 12, 2015, shortly after Karl and Nandana were present at the Berlin Regional Court when it was about the deception and manipulation of the 2014 General Assembly and the other crimes in the DVNLP. We had multiple mail contact after that, also regarding the fact that Karl and Nandana were among those DVNLP members whose applications for a committee of inquiry were embezzled by the board12. In an email in May 2016, Karl pointed out that at that time, when Prof. (UCN) Karl Nielsen and Prof. (UCN) Nandana Nielsen were working on the recognition of the degrees of their NLP studies at the „Universidad Central de Nicaragua“ (UCN) in Germany, which were perceived by many academic NLP colleagues as „semi-silk“, which, at that point in time was in risk.

4. Psychiatrizing: A Matter for the Boss at Carl-Auer Verlag

Gunthard Weber is one of my former instructors in Systemic Constellation Work13. The seminars with him and his work as a system constellation leader I appreciated very much.

And after he invited me in 2007 to give a seminar in his institute on the topic of integration possibilities of NLP and systemic constellation work and after I enjoyed a very pleasant exchange of ideas with him during this visit


with him, I was very happy about our friendly solidarity.


Since summer 2014 I had sporadically sent him the links to my publications about my dispute with the DVNLP. On the one hand I wanted to get a feedback from him (especially regarding my first article14, in which I applied the Hellinger concepts of „collective“ and „personal conscience“ to the entanglements in the DVNLP) and on the other hand I wanted to get a constellation work about my difficult situation in the DVNLP lead by him. Gunthard, because he felt ill, but also because the whole thing smelled „very much like thick entanglement“ to him, „in which … [the complainant] and you are heavily involved“, after several unsuccessful attempts on my part unfortunately decided against offering me and the complainant a place in one of his constellation seminars.

We had not seen each other since my seminar in his institute and we had not talked on the phone. Everything he knew about me, the complainant and our situation in the DVNLP and in the authorities, the Social Psychiatric Service, the LKA and the prosecution department, he had only taken from my publications and our exchange of e-mails.

I had also sent him the links to my texts on the DVNLP’s psychiatry attack against the complainant and me, and also to my treatise15on its culmination, the extremely perpetrator-friendly psychiatric guilt report, which was drawn up on the background of a manipulated file16 on the complainant. Gunthard Weber knew that this, as I demonstrated in my treatise, either professionally extremely stupid or, as a courtesy opinion for the perpetrator system, extremely cleverly made culpability report17 contained a remote Folie á deux diagnosis about my person, which the expert witness had to cross out after an intervention by my lawyer.

Against the background of this knowledge Gunthard Weber wrote: „It is time that I am honest with you and do not hold back. I am aware that I am taking a risk. But if I don’t let you know what I think and don’t react, I treat you even more disrespectfully and have even less contact with you, so I’d rather have an angry and disappointed contact than none at all.

I don’t read your „effusions“ anymore. They feed off of more and more „more of the same“ and you seem completely immune to feedback. Thus your conversation partners fall silent and you become more and more lonely. It is my perception and not a truth: You have gotten lost with your partner. Bert [Hellinger] would probably say: Whoever has been on the wrong track for so long will never turn back. I know many other sides of you, but I think this one deserves the diagnosis Folie à deux. I’m not a stigmatizing psychiatrist, but you can take me for it now or you can place me like that and put me in that corner like many others. That would be a pity.

I’ll look it up: Folie à deux is the total or partial assumption of a delusional symptom by a close, primarily not delusional, partner. After a separation the delusion usually disappears in the previously healthy person. Social isolation is seen as an important risk factor for the occurrence of the disorder. I’m not saying your partner was wronged too. It’s midnight and I’m going to bed. Best regards from Wiesloch, Gunthard“

Something „deserves a diagnosis“?! Is that a superposition of „you deserve recognition for standing up for someone like that“ and „you deserve to fall on your face“? And how is it that Gunthard Weber, the original, primary rock systemicist of the Heidelberg School and co-founder of the“ Carl-Auer Verlag für Systemisches“ was not enough psychiatrist anymore to be curious about my (professionally sound) essay on a perpetrator-favourable expert opinion of a colleague who (remotely) diagnoses in a criminal way, but still psychiatrist enough to throw the same nasty remote diagnosis at my door and thus additionally declare one of his Carl Auer authors, the complainant, who is as being this author and also personally completely unknown to him, to be delusional – remotely from an even greater distance?!

In our e-mail exchange18, I then accuse him, among other things, of being a „scaredy-cat“ („Schisser“) because he did not want to do a constellation with me or with us (as if my „being involved“ was an argument against a constellation) and point out to him that I consider it appropriate for him to apologise to the complainant, my partner: after all, without ever having seen or spoken to her, he had just attested her a „real“ delusion.

He did not respond to the complainant’s e-mail to him, in which the complainant reproached him for having been remotely diagnosed by him and which was sent to him by e-mail on International Women’s Day. He only send a friendly hint that he was doing a great deal for the girls in Africa (a charitable project run by Gunthard Weber). In one of the mails I asked him whether he would become „demented“ now. Gunthard Weber was pleased about this and about the „chickenshit“ („Schisser“), because „thank God, this would bring a little humour back into our correspondence“.

Once stigmatisation and psychiatrisation processes have been set in motion, they do not even stop at excellently trained operators. With a bit of bitter humour: To be remotely diagnosed by one of the best trained psychiatrists in Germany in family therapy, systemic and system-dynamic psychiatry is an honour that is not granted to everyone.

But, Gunthard, in our position, this whole thing isn’t a game. That you have briefly regressed to the level of a beginner psychiatrist who prefers to look into his textbook again, is not funny! I am still stunned. You’re not a jaded, court-ordered expert psychiatrist who doesn’t even notice his own assault anymore!

Although a doubt is in order, I recall the conversation you had with two of our fellow operators, Dagmar and Fide Ingwersen. These two had the courage and the backbone to still communicate with Thies Stahl, who is excluded as „disturbed“19 in the NLP and constellation world. With these courageous colleagues, the complainant thus had a safe and therefore precious place as a participant in training and for her professional and personal issues. Obviously, Gunthard, you did not realise that you had endangered and ultimately destroyed this place when you asked these colleagues whether they would not also perceive my commitment to preserving their membership and human rights in a fascist-totallyitarian DVNLP as „stubbornness“ („Verbohrtheit“). I suspect that you defined this commitment not only to me but also to them as the expression of a foil á deux-madness.

For this faux pas, you will probably have to apologize to the complainant, author in your Carl Auer publishing house, in public and in front of the two Ingwersens (Dagmar und Fide Ingwersen). Unless, like my former DVNLP colleagues Martina Schmidt-Tanger, Dr. jur. Jens Tomas20 and the other DVNLP perpetrators, you also lay claim to a place of honour in the ranks of the violent mental and physical perpetrators of the paedocriminal offender system of the complainant, from which she had the courage to step down in 2011 as a testifying 38-year-old key witness.

5. First league constellation experts also like to stigmatize and psychiatrize in threes – „Folie á trois“

Gunthard Weber, founder of the Carl-Auer Verlag, is on the „scientific advisory board“ of the NISL („Norddeutsches Institut for Systemc Solutions) of Dr. med. Friedrich (Fide) Ingwersen and Dagmar Ingwersen – two constellation colleagues whom I mistakenly called courageous above, as it unfortunately turned out.

Dagmar and Fide Ingwersen have not dissociated themselves from their fabulizing and „psychiatrizing arround“ advisory board Gunthard Weber, but have instead, in an astonishing kind of „foil á trois“ with him, contributed to the fact that the stigmatization and psychiatrization process initiated in the DVNLP against the complainant and me can now also progress in the constellation community.

How they, as the head of the NISL training in which the complainant was a participant, managed to let this happen through negligence and omission, as well as through the most extensive renunciation of civil courage, can be seen from my „1st Open Letter to Dagmar, Fide and the Group“, their handling of the same and from my „Letter to Dagmar, Fide, Gunthard and the Group“21

The psychiatrization by the constellators Weber and the two two Ingwersens, if one sees it as a process of a „viral“ stigmatization, has its origin in the DVNLP internal psychiatrization of the complainant by her DVNLP coaching trainer Martina Schmidt-Tanger, a senior member of the DVNLP training commission who abused her office.22

The „chain of infection“23 of this stigmatisation and psychiatrisation in the „hotspot“ Abano/Meta-Forum can easily be „traced“. Based on the „primary and superspreader“ Martina Schmidt-Tanger and the executive Sebastian Mauritz, who was also responsible for the psychiatric attacks against the complainant in the Abano Meta-Forum, and the DVNLP intensive offender RP24, are to be found in this chain of NLP and constellation colleague Bernd Isert25 and other well-known constellation colleagues of Weber and the Ingwersens, also active in the Meta-Forum, who obviously, just like Bernd, believed the DVNLP perpetrators and representatives Martina Schmidt-Tanger, Sebastian Mauritz and RP – and not me.

There is another „wave“ of psychiatry and stigmatization that is very unpleasant for me, where the „chain of infection“ is very manageable. Unfortunately, this is an „international spread“ of the virus „stigmatization by defamation, criminalization, character assassination and psychopathologization“, because in this psychiatricization attack the DVNLP instrumentalizes the Californian NLP co-founder, my old colleague

from the NLP beginning, the „first DVNLP honorary member“ Robert Dilts.

6. Creeping History Forgery in the DVNLP

A certain similarity with the Stalinist practices of that time of retouching unpopular and disgraced leaders26 from historical photos is the deletion of a comment of mine from November 22, 2019 on the Facebook page of the DVNLP27, in which I, in connection with the congress video broadcast

by Robert Dilts on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the DVNLP in 2016, pointes out the right year in which I brought Robert to Germany for his first stay in Europe: In his answer to the question, „What connects you with the German history of NLP and especially with the DVNLP“, Robert spoke about having come to Germany for the first time in 1982 „for Thies Stahl“28. In my comment on Facebook I corrected: It was not in 1982, as Robert said, but in 1987, when I brought Robert to Germany for the first Master-Practitioner-Seminar in Hamburg and on Sylt. Robert and I had already met in 1981 in Santa Cruz.

One day later, in another comment on the Facebook page of the DVNLP, I pointed out my publication of an English summary of the „Causa DVNLP“ final report, but followed by a second comment

with a picture that will not have pleased the DVNLP board. Of course I wasn’t surprised that the DVNLP board immediately removed this second comment on their Facebook page – even though the DVNLP had not taken legal action against this picture which I had already published in October 2019. But I was surprised that the colleagues on the DVNLP board were not sovereign enough to leave my correction of the annual figures there, which is relevant for the historiography of the DVNLP. So this hint became obvious as it concerned me, the „persona non grata“, and was completely dragged into the depths of repression and denial.

7. The Internationalization of the DVNLP’s Psychiatrization Attack

It will be interesting to see when the DVNLP board of directors will fundamentally falsify the chronicle of the DVNLP29 to retouch me out of the history of the association.

Something speaks for that this will happen: The fact that Robert, as an honorary DVNLP member, has not only allowed „his“ board of directors to use him for the 2016er video live broadcast from California to the DVNLP congress in Germany, but that he also allows them to misuse him for another defamation and psychiatrisation attack of „his“ German Nazi association.

First in a private LinkedIn correspondence and then on 10 January 2020 in an „Open letter to the DVNLP and Robert Dilts“30, I informed Robert that he had been brazenly lied to by a representative of the DVNLP about the complainant and me. In this letter, I publicly called upon the DVNLP board of directors to change their habit, which they had rehearsed for more than five years, of deceiving DVNLP members, the German NLP-interested public and the international public with gross misinformation regarding the „DVNLP cause“. For years, the DVNLP board of directors has been too cowardly to clean up their criminal association and to confront the mafia honorary members of the DVNLP, the honorary members Martina Schmidt-Tanger, Dr. jur. Jens Tomas, Cora Besser-Siegmund and Franz-Josef Hücker, the winners of the „DVNLP Honorary Award“ (for dirty background operations) Stephan Landsiedel and Ralf Dannemeyer, the spokespersons of the DVNLP mediation expert groups and (former) DVNLP regional group Schleswig-Holstein/Hamburg, Anita von Hertel and Petra P. and current DVNLP board member, Leo Buchholz, with their misconduct and crimes.31

The DVNLP board of directors did not react to my open letter – and thus probably gambled away the last chance to change the status of the DVNLP as an association of liars, criminals and psychiatrists with a courageous and exceptionally truthful statement. And Robert?

Robert Dilts could not bring himself to fulfill a wish of mine, which would have cost him nothing, except a small inquiry by mail: I asked him for the favor of asking the board of directors if the statements made to him by the official DVNLP representative and negotiator, his „business contact“32, could be considered an official statement of the DVNLP board of directors. Robert obviously preferred not to jeopardize his business relations with the DVNLP and „not to want to know“ whether the false statements, malicious lies and psychiatric defamation33 served to him by the DVNLP are the official opinion of his business partner, the DVNLP, which is disreputable as a German Nazi association.

In my last private message to him I called Robert Dilts a „coward“. In this I announced my second open letter to him and the DVNLP. This „2nd open letter“34 now makes it clear to the whole NLP world that firstly the DVNLP does not protect its members35 and secondly that Robert Dilts, as an exposed, first honorary member of the DVNLP, has chosen a place in the first row among the mafia honorary members of the DVNLP, its honorary members. And also among all the opportunists, hangers-on and looking-away of the members of the DVNLP, of this fascist-totalitarian derailed, nazioidly acting and denying German association of perpetrators and hangers-on.

  1. I had published this contribution in a preliminary form on 14.06.2018 on as PDF.
  2. See NLP für Verbrecher – „Causa DVNLP“: Mafia-, Stasi- und Nazi-Methoden im deutschen NLP (here the above picture in big ). This book is based on the „Causa DVNLP“ final report, which I published in April 2019 on and which was no longer legally challenged by the DVNLP. On the site you can find all texts and documents necessary for the overdue clarification in the DVNLP.
  3. See the chapter Misuse of the General Assembly in NLP für Verbrecher – „Causa DVNLP“: Mafia-, Stasi- und Nazi-Methoden im deutschen NLP.
  4. See chapter Abusive use of „association lawyers“ in NLP für Verbrecher – „Causa DVNLP“: Mafia-, Stasi- und Nazi-Methoden im deutschen NLP.
  5. For example, at the 2014 general meeting, which was deceived and manipulated by the board of directors, he personally participated in the violent removal of the complainant and myself as DVNLP members with voting rights. Cf. the chapters 1.2.2 Abuses by the „Dr. jur. Jens Tomas“-board and Misuse of the general meeting in NLP für Verbrecher – „Causa DVNLP“: Mafia-, Stasi- und Nazi-Methoden im deutschen NLP.
  6. See Bernd an Thies Aggressor (17.06.2014).
  7. See the „groundbreaking ruling on the Nazi analogies“ in my article „DVNLP deserted by all good spirits? predetermined breaking point fascistoid-totalitarian slips and loss of self-control“ and the judgment on the temporary injunction (MV).
  8. See the „Dossier Offender-victim-reversion“.
  9. In German: Neue Wege der Kurzzeit-Therapie.
  11. I had attached a short excerpt from her video to the mail: The relevant passage is here at minute 2:58.
  12. See: 1. MV-Antrag Stahl, 2. MV-Antrag der Beschwerdeführerin, 2. MV-Antrag Stahl, MV-Anträge Stahl #3 bis #5. und MV-Anträge sechs weiterer Verbandsmitglieder.
  13. See my Vita:
  14. See “Violence, Abuse, Double Standards and the Return of the Repressed in the DVNLP“.
  15. Link: „Psychiatric opinion – a gift for the pedocriminal offender system and the DVNLP“.
  16. See again the „Dossier Perpetrator-Victim-Inversion and chapter Misuse of the „associations lawyers“ in NLP for Criminals – „Causa DVNLP“: Mafia, Stasi and Nazi methods in German NLP.
  17. In order to protect herself from its re-use by the offender system, the complainant has agreed to the publication of the opinion on guilt, together with my treatise on this.
  18. Link: The „Weber/Stahl Correspondence“.
  19. See the DVNLP answers to questions of the SPIEGEL (13.04.2016).
  20. See the Sentence of the Hamburg Regional Court of 24.02.2017.
  21. Both letters here: Open Letters to the NISL Group
  22. See the chapter Perfidious double Psychopathologization in NLP for Criminals – „Causa DVNLP“: Mafia, Stasi and Nazi methods in German NLP.
  23. I wrote this text passage in the middle of the Corona crisis, which is very clear from the analogies used („viral“, „hotspot“, „primary and superspreader“, „chain of infection“, „international spread of infection“ and „being tracked“).
  24. See chapter Misuse at the certificate cheats RP and XY in NLP für Verbrecher – „Causa DVNLP“: Mafia-, Stasi- und Nazi-Methoden im deutschen NLP.
  25. See the above mentioned comment of the Meta-Forum founder Bern Isert (see our mail exchange).
  26. Tomas Schweigert had pointed out this similarity in his contribution of 25.09.2014, 18:04, in the thread XING-NLP Offene Frage /aktuell – in connection with the falsifications of history on the „Thies-Stahl“ and the „DVNLP“ Wikipedia pages by the Halligoland“ employee of the DVNLP.
  27. See 20191129 FB DVNLP Robert.
  28. See in the minute 2:00
  29. See 20191202 DVNLP-Chronik / live:
  30. Siehe You are lied to, Robert und Du wirst belogen, Robert.
  31. Siehe auf unter „2. TäterInnen im Täterverband DVNLP“ und „Das eigentliche Verbrechen im DVNLP: Missbraucherinnen unterstützen Missbraucher“/ „The True Crime in the DVNLP: Female Abusers support Male Abuser“.
  32. Ich habe Robert nicht nach dem Namen seines „business contacts“ gefragt. Ich gehe davon aus, dass es einer von Roberts deutschen Sponsoren ist, der als DVNLP-Mitglied die geschäftlichen Verhandlungen für seinen Vorstand mit Robert für seinen Workshop in der Veranstaltung Future Tools XV „Success Factor Modeling“ am 2./3.Juni 2020 führt.
  33. Siehe nochmals hier: You are lied to, Robert und Du wirst belogen, Robert.
  34. Robert, Du bist Mitglied einer deutschen Mafia- und Nazi-Organisation (2. Offener Brief an Robert Dilts und den DVNLP)/ „Robert, you are a Member of a German Mafia and Nazi Organization (2nd open letter to Robert Dilts and the DVNLP)“
  35. Siehe Der DVNLP schützt seine Mitglieder nicht. The DVNLP does not protect its Members